Location BN7 1BL
01273 488237


"seeking to proclaim the Gospel and serve our local community"

Contemporary Society and Contemporary Religion

The Christ Church Thinktank has been meeting since 2005. The first meeting was on 5th October 2005 and the subject was “The Causes of Terrorism, particularly between Arabs and Jews”. Plus ça change.

The Thinktank draws on speakers from all the churches and other institutions in the Lewes area.  Our speakers provide their services without charge, so our meetings are free and open to all. Whether you go to church or not, join us whenever the topic interests you.

Our meetings are usually held in the church and are also available via Zoom. The format is  45 minutes talk and 45 minutes discussion and our average attendance is about 30. All meetings are from 7.30 pm to 9 pm.

If you would like to attend any of our meetings by Zoom, please email the Church Secretary  for further details.

Meeting on Wednesday 19 March at 7.30 pm

Dr Sarah Pitt will be speaking on

"What have vaccines ever done for us? "

After graduating with a degree in microbiology at the University of Bristol, Sarah trained as an NHS biomedical scientist, specialising in hospital diagnostic virology, in London, Bristol, Manchester and Liverpool, and through work for charities and the World Health Organisation in Zimbabwe and Tajikistan. She was awarded an MSc at the School of Tropical Medicine in Liverpool, and a PhD from John Moores University. She came to the University of Brighton in 2004 and is now Principal Lecturer in the School of Applied Sciences and a Life Member and President Elect of the Institute of Biomedical Science. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she trained volunteers in the testing programme in Brighton and has given many talks and interviews on radio and television, for non-specialists.